About Viktar Karpach and Web Developer Blog

Web developer blog was originally designed and developed by Viktar Karpach using ASP.NET C#, MS SQL Server 2012. In 2023 it was converted to a Hugo statically generated website. The site uses Azure DevOps for source control and a build server. The contact form and comments use Azure functions.

This site is used to be a test place for Viktar’s search engine optimization technics. According to Google Analytics in November 2011 website had 22109 unique visitors. Lately, it does not have that many visitors. The conversion to Hugo makes righting blog posts easier, hopefully the blog golden days are still ahead.

Viktar Karpach was born in Belarus. He studied in Belarusian State University, Minsk on Applied Mathematics Faculty and Florida International University, where he received a bachelor degree in Computer Science. He has MCTS ASP.NET 2.0-3.5 Web Application, MCPD Web Developer certifications and MCTS SQL Server 2008.

Viktar worked at several companies, for instance, comScore and Costar (Apartments.com). He is currently employed by Relativity as a lead software engineer.

Viktar Karpach