SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer Search Add-In
I always didn’t like Object Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio, primarily because it doesn’t have easy filtering for objects. It has a built-in filter, but it takes too many clicks to use it. This filter only lets you search across one database, and only for one kind of thing at a time (table, stored procedure, view etc). I was looking for similar functionality to Toad for SQL Server.
Even SQL Server Management Studio 2008 doesn’t have it. Finally, I found
The Black Art of Writing a SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Add-In article. Joseph Cooney wrote addin that does exactly what I want. Here the screenshot from his site.
His addin has a few bugs, but it is still very useful.
One of the most significant bugs is that before first use you need to press New Query, otherwise Add-in won’t be able to initialize and you face:
“When ran search windows appears, but can not type anything. After that can not focus on search text box”.
However, I didn’t close my SQL Server Management Studio for weeks, so this is not a problem for me.
He also didn’t provide a version for SQL Server Management Studio Express and SQL Server Management Studio 2008.
So, I took his code, tweak it a little bit and here it is:
- DB Object QuickFind for SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Express Source Code
- DB Object QuickFind for SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Express Setup
- DB Object QuickFind for SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Source Code
- DB Object QuickFind for SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Setup
- DB Object QuickFind for SQL Server Management Studio 2008 Source Code
- DB Object QuickFind for SQL Server Management Studio 2008 Setup
I recently found out that Stefan from iucon GmbH created codeplex project based on Joseph Cooney addin. He created two versions of it for SSMS 2005 and 2008. Also, he added some new features to the addin, such as search in selection. The project can be found at SSMS 2008 Addin - QuickFind CodePlex project