How to get asp.net profile value from MS SQL database using T-SQL?

The aspnet_Profile table contains the following fields: UserId, PropertyNames, PropertyValuesString, PropertyValuesBinary,  and LastUpdatedDate. The PropertyNames field contains a string delimited with colons (:) that identify which profile fields are stored, what their datatype is and their offset and length.

For Example:


Actual values stored in PropertyValuesString:

Viktar 60148 1336 Finley rd Karpach

ASP.Net profiles can store binary data as well, but usually, you are interested in string data such as First and Last names. First let’s create a helper function, which helps to get position:length pair values:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetElement
    @ord AS INT,
    @str AS VARCHAR(8000),
    @delim AS VARCHAR(1)
  -- If input is invalid, return null.
  IF @str IS NULL
      OR LEN(@str) = 0
      OR @ord IS NULL
      OR @ord < 1
      -- @ord > [is the] expression that calculates the number of elements.
      OR @ord > LEN(@str) - LEN(REPLACE(@str, @delim, '')) + 1
  DECLARE @pos AS INT, @curord AS INT
  SELECT @pos = 1, @curord = 1
  -- Find next element's start position and increment index.
  WHILE @curord < @ord
      @pos    = CHARINDEX(@delim, @str, @pos) + 1,
      @curord = @curord + 1
  CAST(SUBSTRING(@str, @pos, CHARINDEX(@delim, @str + @delim, @pos) - @pos) AS INT)

And then code for the actual worker function:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetProfileElement
    @fieldName AS NVARCHAR(100),
    @fields AS NVARCHAR(4000),
    @values AS NVARCHAR(4000)
  -- If input is invalid, return null.
  IF @fieldName IS NULL
      OR LEN(@fieldName) = 0
      OR @fields IS NULL
      OR LEN(@fields) = 0
      OR @values IS NULL
      OR LEN(@values) = 0

    -- locate FieldName in Fields
    DECLARE @fieldNameToken AS NVARCHAR(20)
    DECLARE @fieldNameStart AS INTEGER,
    @valueStart AS INTEGER,
    @valueLength AS INTEGER
    -- Only handle string type fields (:S:)
    SET @fieldNameStart = CHARINDEX(@fieldName + ':S',@Fields,0)

    -- If field is not found, return null
    IF @fieldNameStart = 0 RETURN NULL
    SET @fieldNameStart = @fieldNameStart + LEN(@fieldName) + 3
    -- Get the field token which I've defined as the start of the
    -- field offset to the end of the length
    SET @fieldNameToken = SUBSTRING(@Fields,@fieldNameStart,LEN(@Fields)-@fieldNameStart)
    -- Get the values for the offset and length
    SET @valueStart = dbo.fn_getelement(1,@fieldNameToken,':')
    SET @valueLength = dbo.fn_getelement(2,@fieldNameToken,':')

    -- Check for sane values, 0 length means the profile item was
    -- stored, just no data
    IF @valueLength = 0 RETURN ''

    -- Return the string
    RETURN SUBSTRING(@values, @valueStart+1, @valueLength)


Now we can get first name and last name as the following:

SELECT dbo.fn_GetProfileElement('FirstName',PropertyNames,PropertyValuesString) + ' ' +
dbo.fn_GetProfileElement('LastName',PropertyNames,PropertyValuesString) as FullName FROM aspnet_Profile

Special thanks to Richard Edwards at DNNStuff

Posted on June 29, 2008 by


Posted on 7/21/2008 07:58:15 AM by Valera

Very nice! That’s exactly what I was looking for.

Posted on 8/5/2008 09:36:16 AM by Augusto

Thanks!!!.. =) is a very good !!

Posted on 8/13/2008 03:36:27 AM by ThanhTung

Thanks ….Very Very nice

Posted on 9/24/2008 08:47:38 AM by BobC


Posted on 2/10/2009 07:57:14 PM by Nick S.

Thank You! I’ve been busting my brains out trying to get a dll that performs the same functions as ProfileCommon for a console application. No luck there. And I didn’t want to program an interface. This was a great shortcut!

Posted on 2/18/2009 12:31:25 AM by telz

Thank you! It’s cool (_)]

Posted on 6/5/2009 03:42:45 AM by Wallace740

Great blog

Thanks a lot, very useful

Posted on 6/5/2009 01:54:51 PM by Atip C

A very lucky day for me!

I found such a useful script!

Posted on 6/15/2009 07:58:02 AM by Ash

Here’s another flavor of it that I made. Just uses a single function.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetProperty]   
	@UserId uniqueidentifier,  
	@PropertyName varchar(50)
RETURNS varchar(500)  
	DECLARE @ret varchar(500)  
	DECLARE @PropPos int, @Names varchar(500), @Values varchar(500), @start tinyint, @length tinyint

	SELECT @Names = PropertyNames, @Values = PropertyValuesString FROM aspnet_Profile WHERE UserId = @UserId
	SELECT @PropPos = (PATINDEX('%'+ @PropertyName +':S%', @Names) + LEN(@PropertyName) + 3)
	SELECT @Names = SUBSTRING(@Names, @PropPos, LEN(@Names) - @PropPos)
	SELECT @start = CAST(SUBSTRING(@Names, 1, CHARINDEX(':', @Names) - 1) AS tinyint) + 1
	SELECT @length = CAST(SUBSTRING(@Names, CHARINDEX(':', @Names) + 1, ((CHARINDEX(':', @Names, CHARINDEX(':', @Names) + 1)) - (CHARINDEX(':', @Names) + 1))) AS tinyint)
	SELECT @ret = SUBSTRING(@Values, @start, @length)

	RETURN @ret

Posted on 5/15/2010 07:56:01 AM by Gabor Adam

Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for.

Posted on 5/25/2010 08:06:54 AM by nrg

Brilliant. Thanks a lot. Atip C single function worked for me too.

Posted on 5/26/2010 08:05:26 AM by nrg

Actually, Atip C single function didn’t work for me on all occassions. I reverted back to the two and that’s working fine.

Posted on 7/15/2010 09:18:05 PM by Phil

Well Atip C’s solution works perfectly. Just the job. Remember to call as follows:

dbo.GetProperty(CustomerFeedback.CustomerID, 'LastName')

where ‘LastName’ is the property and is enclosed in quotes

Posted on 7/21/2010 11:00:48 PM by Sahana

Thank you very much… really it is a great information….

Posted on 9/16/2010 05:13:57 AM by Phil

The original solution is fantastic but there is one problem that is easily resolved.

The problem arises if you have two fields similarly named. For example ‘City’ and ‘DeliverCity’. In these cases the code will always win through with CHARINDEX finding the first match in the list of properties.

To resolve, simply get CHARINDEX to look for the preceeding character ‘:’ so fieldName becomes

SET @fieldName = ':' + @fieldName + ':S'
SET @fieldNameStart = CHARINDEX((@fieldName),@fields,0)

As a result of the extra character in @fieldName, also change

SET @fieldNameStart = @fieldNameStart + LEN(@fieldName) + 1

And that’s it.

Posted on 10/8/2010 07:35:56 AM by Murat YAVUZ

SET @fieldNameStart = @fieldNameStart + LEN(@fieldName) + 3

–New lines

IF CHARINDEX(@fieldName + ':S',@Fields,0) > 1
  SET @fieldName = ':' + @fieldName + ':S'
  SET @fieldNameStart = CHARINDEX((@fieldName),@fields,0)
  IF @fieldNameStart = 0 RETURN NULL
  SET @fieldNameStart = @fieldNameStart + LEN(@fieldName) + 1


Posted on 11/3/2010 01:18:02 PM by Andrew

Awesome, thanks so much.

Posted on 11/5/2010 03:57:22 PM by PapillonUK

OK, here’s the function version based on everyone’s work above but with the 2 issues fixed. This will return the value of the last property name in PropertyNames (the initial example above would throw an error). It also fixes the “similiar” names issue mentioned by Phil above. Also, if a PropertyName does not exist, it returns NULL - in which case the caller can search for and return the Default property value as defined in web.config (if a default has been defined).

I’m standing on the shoulders of giants (!) thanks to all the great work above :-)

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetProperty] (
	@PropertyName VARCHAR(50)

DECLARE @PropPos INT, @Names VARCHAR(500), @Values VARCHAR(500), @start TINYINT, @length TINYINT

-- Note how we prefix the first property name with a colon. Now we know that EVERY property name will be bookended with colons:
SELECT @Names = ':' + CAST(PropertyNames AS VARCHAR(500)), @Values = PropertyValuesString FROM aspnet_Profile WHERE UserId = @UserId

SELECT @PropPos = PATINDEX('%:'+ @PropertyName +':S%', @Names)

IF @PropPos = 0
	SET @RetVal = NULL
	SET @PropPos = @PropPos + LEN(@PropertyName) + 4
	SELECT @Names = SUBSTRING(@Names, @PropPos, LEN(@Names))
	SELECT @start = CAST(SUBSTRING(@Names, 1, CHARINDEX(':', @Names) - 1) AS tinyint) + 1
	SELECT @length = CAST(SUBSTRING(@Names, CHARINDEX(':', @Names) + 1, ((CHARINDEX(':', @Names, CHARINDEX(':', @Names) + 1)) - (CHARINDEX(':', @Names) + 1))) AS tinyint)
	SELECT @RetVal = SUBSTRING(@Values, @start, @length)


I’m sure this could be made more efficient. Feel free to improve!

Posted on 11/11/2010 02:13:22 PM by Mohammad Iqbal

Nice post.helped me a lot

Posted on 11/28/2010 11:13:42 PM by Waseem Ahmad

Thanks a lot..

It is really an helping hand form me.

Posted on 12/30/2010 01:04:16 AM by Rajeesh

if (dropCurrency.SelectedValue == "1")  
  float val1 = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["hol_usdollar"].ToString());
  float val2 = Convert.ToInt32(dt2.Rows[1]["hol_productprice"].ToString());
  float val3 = (val1 * val2);
  lblp.Text = val3.ToString();
  lblLogo.Text = "$";

Posted on 2/18/2011 03:05:17 PM by Marlon Oliveira

Great job! Thanks

Posted on 5/8/2011 08:00:00 AM by Daniel Armstrong

Thanks for the code - it has really helped. Here is a C# interpretation (quick hack - it should have more error checking but it works)

private String getValue(String Names, String Values, String Property)
      String retVal = null;
      String[] Properties = Names.Split(':');

      for (int i = 0; i < Properties.Length; i++)
          if (Properties[i].CompareTo(Property) == 0)
              if (Properties[i + 1] == "S")  // Not sure what happens for non string properties
                  int start = Int32.Parse(Properties[i + 2]);
                  int len = Int32.Parse(Properties[i + 3]);
                  if (len > 0)
                    retVal = Values.Substring(start, len);
      return retVal;

public String GetProfileProperty(String userid, String Property)
      String RetVal = null;
      String Names,Values;

      //Note how we prefix the first property name with a colon. Now we know that EVERY property name will be bookended with colons:
      String SQL = "SELECT ':' + CAST(PropertyNames AS VARCHAR(500)), PropertyValuesString FROM aspnet_Profile WHERE UserId = @UserId";
      SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ApplicationServices"].ConnectionString);
      SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL, conn);
      cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

      using (conn)
          //open the connection        
          cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserId", userid);
          SqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader();
          if (r.Read())
              Names = r[0].ToString();
              Values = r[1].ToString();
              RetVal = getValue(Names, Values, Property);
      return RetVal;

Posted on 10/3/2011 04:38:15 AM by Tareq Samy


I found this article really helpful and matching what i was looking for! But i do want it to work with Oracle Provider this time, so i updated the provided function to work with the Oracle ASPNET Provider model.

For all who was looking for it, please find the function below - original effort should be appreciated too!

Posted on 10/3/2011 04:39:35 AM by Tareq Samy

create or replace

  paramUserID RAW,
  paramPropertyName VARCHAR2
  ReturnValue VARCHAR2(500);
  PropNames VARCHAR2(500);
  PropValues VARCHAR2(500);
  PropPosition NUMBER;
  IdxStart NUMBER(3);
  PropLength NUMBER(3);
  -- Note: Prefix the first property name with a colon. So we know that EVERY property name will be bookended with colons.

  SELECT ':' || to_char(PropertyNames) into PropNames 
  FROM ora_aspnet_Profile 
  WHERE UserId = paramUserID;

  SELECT to_char(PropertyValuesString) into PropValues 
  FROM ora_aspnet_Profile 
  WHERE UserId = paramUserID;

  PropPosition := instr(PropNames, ':' || paramPropertyName || ':S');

  IF PropPosition = 0 THEN
  ReturnValue := null;
  PropPosition := PropPosition + LENGTH(paramPropertyName) + 4;
  PropNames := substr(PropNames, PropPosition, length(PropNames));
  IdxStart := substr(PropNames, 1, instr(PropNames, ':') - 1)  + 1;
  PropLength := substr(PropNames, instr(PropNames, ':') + 1, ((instr(PropNames, ':', instr(PropNames, ':') + 1)) - (instr(PropNames, ':') + 1)));
  ReturnValue := substr(PropValues, IdxStart, PropLength);

RETURN ReturnValue;


Posted on 10/18/2011 03:03:30 PM by Jon Heupel

Thanks for this, saved me a lot of effort

Posted on 2/7/2012 05:00:51 AM by Max

Nice post, help alot, thx

Posted on 2/26/2012 02:17:48 PM by reza

great article , saved my time . thanx

Posted on 3/7/2012 01:34:05 AM by vikas

How to get the propetyvaluesBinary from this

Posted on 4/24/2012 08:45:44 AM by csharper


Posted on 5/1/2012 10:55:58 PM by Bruno Martins

im new to this, so how do i tell this function in sql that i need a property of a especific user?

like this Profile.GetProfile(user).GetPropertyValue(“FullName”).ToString();

im using the first helper function, and im getting the results by the sql. but its not dynamic, for example i have a username “mike” and i want it to get the fullname “mike the man”..

like in this schema

username: “mike” Fullname: “Mike the man”



and now the same for any other user. the username has to decide the full name…

im using this sql

SELECT Wall.Para, Wall.De, Wall.Texto, Wall.Data, dbo.GetProfilePropertyValue('FullName', aspnet_Profile.PropertyNames, aspnet_Profile.PropertyValuesString) AS Expr1 FROM Wall CROSS JOIN aspnet_Profile WHERE (dbo.GetProfilePropertyValue('FullName', aspnet_Profile.PropertyNames, aspnet_Profile.PropertyValuesString) = @fullname) AND (Wall.Para = @para)

But its not dynamic :((((((

Try something like this:

SELECT Wall.Para, Wall.De, Wall.Texto, Wall.Data, dbo.GetProfilePropertyValue('FullName', aspnet_Profile.PropertyNames, aspnet_Profile.PropertyValuesString) AS Expr1 FROM Wall CROSS JOIN aspnet_Profile WHERE (dbo.GetProfilePropertyValue('UserName', aspnet_Profile.PropertyNames, aspnet_Profile.PropertyValuesString) = 'mike') AND (Wall.Para = @para)

Posted on 11/23/2012 01:06:00 AM by Stuart

genius, just genuis! Thank you!! now i can build a view of members & profile data and list is easily in a gridview with paging and sorting and everything… thank you!!!!

Posted on 1/1/2013 02:56:28 AM by hashemi


Posted on 1/29/2013 05:00:06 AM by Yaqub Ahmad

Great! Thanks for sharing1

Posted on 3/9/2015 10:33:36 AM by Joshua Philpott

Thanks, Helped me out a lot!